‘It’s raining, it’s pouring’
Yes, you’d better hurry then in Britain. A summer day can turn into heavy showers within half an hour. At home we quickly slide the outdoor cushions under the overhang and flee inside, but how do you do this on a restaurant terrace where guests are outside enjoying the fresh air?
Usually, more people fit outside on the terrace than inside a restaurant. So when the rain turns from drizzle to downpour, you’d better make sure the guests remain dry outside. How? We’re happy to introduce our solution.
Our Solero O’Bravia canvas feature a natural water-repellent coating, which keeps you dry under the canvas in a shower. This property is expressed in a water column. A water column indicates the amount of water that parasol canvas can ‘tolerate’ before water penetrates it. A water column of 300 mm, such as with the Solero O’Bravia canvas, means that a cloth only lets water through when there is a pressure comparable to the weight of a column of water 30 cm high. The canvas then acts as an umbrella and the water runs off along the sides. Unfortunately, it spatters on the ground along the sides. This splashing water still causes guests to become soaking wet. Take a look at how this can be prevented.

Canvas gutter
There is such a thing as a cloth gutter, this is a strip made of ‘PVC’ or ‘Olefin’ which can be attached between the parasols. This gutter hangs in a U-shape between two parasol cloths and is narrower on one side than the other so that you can control the direction of the water flow. Preferably, the water is drained toward the outside in order to keep as large a surface dry as possible. PVC gutters are mounted by means of a system with click buckles which are screwed onto the baleen. They are available in all lengths in the colours natural, grey, taupe and black and have a maximum width of 60 cm. Along the long sides, lightweight aluminium tubes are slid into the gutter, which ensures that the gutter stays firmly in place. The Prostor gutters work with a zipper and are available in 2 lengths: 250cm or 300cm in exactly the same material and colour of your parasol canvas.
A search on the internet teaches us ‘that polyvinyl chloride is a frequently used thermoplastic, which is produced after polymerisation of the monomer vinyl chloride (VCM)’. In plain English, this means that PVC is a plastic that softens when heated. Polymerisation involves the combination of small hydrocarbons. A monomer is an organic molecule that can serve as a building block for larger molecules (a natural example is glucose or fructose). Vinyl chloride is a colourless gas, which is difficult to dissolve in water. A chemical masterpiece that was discovered by accident in 1838. It was not until 1926 that a method was developed to plasticise PVC. The result was a flexible and easy to process material, which became widely applicable in many product applications.

Colour difference
Because the Solero canvases are made of high-quality O’Bravia awning canvas and the gutters are made of PVC, there is a difference in colour. In addition, the PVC has a slight sheen because it is plasticised. The canvases are woven and have a different structure. As a result, an exact colour match isn’t possible. Of course, we have selected the colours black, anthracite, taupe and natural, which best match the canvas, so that the difference is minimal.